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Status Parameter Not Working When Using Python Blogger Api

I'm trying to use google-api-python-client 1.12.5 with Service account auth under Python 3.8. It seems to me that the when specifying the status parameter, Google responds with a 4

Solution 1:

I can reproduce this issue... Adding status=DRAFT will return 404 but any other filter is working...

  1. Tried with service account and your code: 404

  2. Tried with API Key like this result = requests.get('<blog_id>/posts?status=DRAFT&orderBy=UPDATED&alt=json&key=<api_key>'): 404

  3. Extracted "access_token" from service account (credentials.token after a call): result = requests.get('<blog_id>/posts?status=DRAFT&orderBy=UPDATED&alt=json&access_token=<extracted_service_account_token>'): 404

But very strangely if I use access_token given by "Try this API" here :{"blogId"%3A"blog_id"%2C"orderBy"%3A"UPDATED"%2C"status"%3A["DRAFT"]%2C"alt"%3A"json"} it's works !

Used that token with requests give me my blog post in draft status...

try this api + network panel

Just copy/paste raw Authorization header inside that script:

import requests

blog_id = '<blog_id>'
headers = {
    'Authorization' : 'Bearer <replace_here>'

# Using only Authorization header
result = requests.get(
    '' % (blog_id),
# This should print DRAFT if you have at least one draft postprint(result.json()['items'][0]['status'])

# Using "access_token" param constructed with Authorization header splited to have only token
result = requests.get('' % (blog_id, headers['Authorization'][len('Bearer '):]))
# This should print DRAFT if you have at least one draft postprint(result.json()['items'][0]['status'])

Results I have currently:

enter image description here

The bug doesn't seem to come from the library but rather from the token rights...However I also used the console normally to generate accesses like you.

To conclude I think it's either a bug or it's voluntary from Google... I don't know how long the "Try this API" token is valid but it is currently the only way I found to get the draft articles... Maybe you can try to open a bug ticket but I don't know specifically where it is possible to do that.

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