Text File Each Line To Command In Bash
okay so I have a pythonscript that takes an argument like so & ./myscript.py argumentishere what u want to do is read a text file that has multipule lines of text and for eac
Solution 1:
While you can achieve this with a bash script, probably the easier way is to use the xargs
xargs -L 1 ./myscript.py <inputfile
The bash way would be:
whileread line
./myscript $linedone <inputfile
Solution 2:
#!/bin/bashcat input | whileread line
./myscript.py $linedone
you also need add #!/usr/bin/env python
in the head of myscript.py and chmod executable properity to myscript.py
Solution 3:
If I were you, I'd modify the python script to take a filename as argument and do what I want with each line.
import sys
file = open(sys.argv[1])
for line in file:
#do your thing here
Solution 4:
Have you tried this?
while IFS= read -r line; do
./myscript.py "$line"done < file
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