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Django Celerybeat Periodic Task Only Runs Once

I am trying to schedule a task that runs every 10 minutes using Django 1.9.8, Celery 4.0.2, RabbitMQ 2.1.4, Redis 2.10.5. These are all running within Docker containers in Linux (

Solution 1:

I found a solution that works. I could not get CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE or the celery task decorators to work, and I suspect that it may be at least partially due with the manner in which I started the Celery beat task.

The working solution goes the whole 9 yards to utilize Django Database Scheduler. I downloaded the GitHub project "" and incorporated all of the code as another "app" in my project. This enabled Django-Admin access to maintain the cron / interval / periodic task(s) tables via a browser. I also modified my as follows:

#!/bin/sh# wait for RabbitMQ server to startsleep 10
# run Celery worker for our project myproject with Celery configuration stored in Celeryconf
celery beat -A web_portal.celeryconf -l info --pidfile=/tmp/celerybeat- -S django --detach
su -m myuser -c "celery worker -A web_portal.celeryconf -Q default -n default@%h -l info "

After adding a scheduled task via the django-admin web interface, the scheduler started working fine.

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