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Showing posts from July, 2022

Convert From Hexa To Arabic Text With Python

I build a code that convert a hexadecimal string into Unicode format but after print, the output … Read more Convert From Hexa To Arabic Text With Python

Python 2.7.2: Plistlib With Itunes Xml

I'm reading an itunes generated xml playlist with plistib. The xml has a utf8 header. When I r… Read more Python 2.7.2: Plistlib With Itunes Xml

Twisted - I Need To Periodically Connect/disconnect A Client Connection

I have a twisted tcp client that I would like to periodically cause to connect, receive a stream of… Read more Twisted - I Need To Periodically Connect/disconnect A Client Connection

Python Object To Native C++ Pointer

Im toying around with the idea to use python as an embedded scripting language for a project im wor… Read more Python Object To Native C++ Pointer

Python Random Pick From List Without Previous Pick

I have a list and I randomly print one of its items, but I want to print another random item from t… Read more Python Random Pick From List Without Previous Pick

Join/Merge Dataframe Based On Interval

I have two tables: one is a table of planned leak patch, and the other is a table of realization of… Read more Join/Merge Dataframe Based On Interval

NameError: Global Name 'text' Is Not Defined

I have a python code snippet that coverts the Mac address to another code using caesar ciphertext: … Read more NameError: Global Name 'text' Is Not Defined

Python Pandas Unique Value Ignoring NaN

I want to use unique in groupby aggregation, but I don't want nan in the unique result. An exam… Read more Python Pandas Unique Value Ignoring NaN

Getting Error: 'No Module Named Flask' In VSCode Even When I Have Installed Flask

I want to debug an application using Python and Flask in VSCode. I have installed Flask and the app… Read more Getting Error: 'No Module Named Flask' In VSCode Even When I Have Installed Flask

Access My Web App With CNAME

I have an app deployed on pythonanywhere and setup to use a custom domain. I'm in the process o… Read more Access My Web App With CNAME

Medical Imaging Data - How To Convert .raw/mhd To Nifti/nii

Is there a way in Python or any other language to convert .raw/mhd image data to Nifti/nii? I can l… Read more Medical Imaging Data - How To Convert .raw/mhd To Nifti/nii

ReadTheDocs Sphinx Build Failing But Working Locally

as the title says, building the docs for my package works locally fine but not on the server. I get… Read more ReadTheDocs Sphinx Build Failing But Working Locally

Download A Csv File From Gmail Using Python

I tried different python scripts for download a CSV attachment from Gmail. But I could not able to … Read more Download A Csv File From Gmail Using Python

Windows Scrapyd-deploy Is Not Recognized

I have install the scrapyd like this pip install scrapyd I want to use scrapyd-deploy when i type… Read more Windows Scrapyd-deploy Is Not Recognized

Python Call Method On Integer Object

I just want to understand the behavior of method call on integer object. I can't call __add__ m… Read more Python Call Method On Integer Object

Python Slice Notation With Comma/List

I have come across some python code with slice notation that I am having trouble figuring out. It l… Read more Python Slice Notation With Comma/List

Why Do Sqlite3 DB_API Qmark And Named Style Not Work In "select Where" Queries?

Assuming I have a database with table users with a row: ID = 0, name = 'myName' I can get t… Read more Why Do Sqlite3 DB_API Qmark And Named Style Not Work In "select Where" Queries?

Extracting A Table From A Website

I've tried many times to retrieve the table at this website:… Read more Extracting A Table From A Website

Read JSON Response In Python

I am trying to read json response from this link. But its not working! I get the following error: … Read more Read JSON Response In Python

Python - ConfigParser - AttributeError: ConfigParser Instance Has No Attribute '__getitem__'

I am creating a quote of the day server. I am reading options from an INI file, whose text is below… Read more Python - ConfigParser - AttributeError: ConfigParser Instance Has No Attribute '__getitem__'

Get Text Content From P Tag

I am trying to get description text content of each block on this page… Read more Get Text Content From P Tag

Grouped Boxplot With Seaborn

I have following data in python panda DataFrame. I would like to have grouped box plot similar to o… Read more Grouped Boxplot With Seaborn

Problem With Serving Pictures In Django

I'm trying to create my first site in django and I've run into a problem. I'm trying to… Read more Problem With Serving Pictures In Django

Format Of Complex Number In Python

I am wondering about the way Python (3.3.0) prints complex numbers. I am looking for an explanatio… Read more Format Of Complex Number In Python

PyQt: Dialog's Minimize Window Button Is Missing In OSX

A dialog created with: class GUI(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(GUI, se… Read more PyQt: Dialog's Minimize Window Button Is Missing In OSX

Python Decode Unknown Character

I'm trying to decode the following: UKLTD� For into utf-8 (or anything really) but I cannot wor… Read more Python Decode Unknown Character

Mapping Values And Merging Dataframes Based On Multiple Column Values

I have the following dataframes: df1: dataframe with patient critical notes AREA … Read more Mapping Values And Merging Dataframes Based On Multiple Column Values

How Do You Extract A Point Spread Function From A Fits Image?

I'm new to python coding and I have a .fits image of a star and I want to extract the PSF from … Read more How Do You Extract A Point Spread Function From A Fits Image?

Unable To Make A Factorial Function In Python

My code import sys number=int(sys.argv[1]) if number == 0 fact=1 else fact=number for (x=… Read more Unable To Make A Factorial Function In Python