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Showing posts from April, 2024

Google App Engine: How Can I Programmatically Access The Properties Of My Model Class?

I have a model class: class Person(db.Model): first_name = db.StringProperty(required=True) las… Read more Google App Engine: How Can I Programmatically Access The Properties Of My Model Class?

Python Multiprocessing Pool Hangs On Map Call

I have a function that parses a file and inserts the data into MySQL using SQLAlchemy. I've bee… Read more Python Multiprocessing Pool Hangs On Map Call

Attributeerror: 'snowflakecursor' Object Has No Attribute 'cursor'

I am trying to writer my DataFrame to Snowflake using to_sql method. sf_conn = snowflake.connector.… Read more Attributeerror: 'snowflakecursor' Object Has No Attribute 'cursor'

Syntaxerror: Non-utf-8 Code Starting With '\x90' In File .\score_python.exe On Line 1, But No Encoding Declared;

I have a python script where I need to create an executable via pyinstaller. Successfully created t… Read more Syntaxerror: Non-utf-8 Code Starting With '\x90' In File .\score_python.exe On Line 1, But No Encoding Declared;

Google-app-engine : Importerror Httplib2 In Google Api Python Client Hello World

I just downloaded the Google App Engine SDK for python ( and i try to la… Read more Google-app-engine : Importerror Httplib2 In Google Api Python Client Hello World

How To Check Number Odd Even Python?

How do I show even and odd in print (x ,'is' )? num_list = list(range(1, 51)) odd_nums = []… Read more How To Check Number Odd Even Python?

How To Create A Loading Warning For Long Processing Thread On Python?

I'm fairly new to python(only couple weeks learning) and I'm finishing my first application… Read more How To Create A Loading Warning For Long Processing Thread On Python?

How To Use Pandas Udf Functionality In Pyspark

I have a spark frame with two columns which looks like: +------------------------------------------… Read more How To Use Pandas Udf Functionality In Pyspark

Groupby With Overlapping Intervals Timeseries

I have a time series in python pandas dataframe object and I want to create a group based on index … Read more Groupby With Overlapping Intervals Timeseries

Adyen Encryption Of Credit Card Details Using Python

The Adyen packages are scattered and are not answering my questions directly. I am using python on … Read more Adyen Encryption Of Credit Card Details Using Python

How To Fix "missingheaders" Error While Appending Where Clause With S3 Select

I have a csv file in the format IDATE_TIMESTAMP,OPEN,HIGH,LOW,CLOSE,VOLUME 1535535060,94.36,94.36,9… Read more How To Fix "missingheaders" Error While Appending Where Clause With S3 Select

Unboundlocalerror: Local Variable 'soup' Referenced Before Assignment

I'm extremely new to Python and this is my first real project. I am trying to make a web crawle… Read more Unboundlocalerror: Local Variable 'soup' Referenced Before Assignment

Attributeerror: 'module' Object Has No Attribute '__version__'

I have installed LDA plibrary (using pip) I have a very simple test code (the next two rows) impor… Read more Attributeerror: 'module' Object Has No Attribute '__version__'

403 Error From Google Admin Sdk With Appassertioncredentials

I'm trying to list users via Google admin directory API. import logging import os from google.… Read more 403 Error From Google Admin Sdk With Appassertioncredentials

Why Fatal Error: 'yaml.h' File Not Found When Installing Pyyaml?

I'm trying out downloading PyYAML and install it following the instructions here http://pyyaml.… Read more Why Fatal Error: 'yaml.h' File Not Found When Installing Pyyaml?

Pandas - 'series' Object Has No Attribute 'colnames' When Using Apply()

I need to use a lambda function to do a row by row computation. For example create some dataframe i… Read more Pandas - 'series' Object Has No Attribute 'colnames' When Using Apply()

Python Ctypes: Wraping C++ Class With Operators

I want to wrap a small test C++ class for use in python using ctypes. The class is called Edge and … Read more Python Ctypes: Wraping C++ Class With Operators

Buildozer Gives Error Upon Building Pong App Of Kivy Framework For Android Publishing

I am trying to make an apk file using buildozer of the Pong App (… Read more Buildozer Gives Error Upon Building Pong App Of Kivy Framework For Android Publishing

Sorting A Dictionary And Writing It To A Csv File

I have a dictionary with a tuple as a key and list as values myDict = { (1, 9078752378): [('Sm… Read more Sorting A Dictionary And Writing It To A Csv File

How To Update A Label In Python?

I'm new to python, and I was creating a small game when I got a problem. I searched for an answ… Read more How To Update A Label In Python?

Passing Arguments With Newstyle Signals In Pyqt

I've been having some trouble with a set of dynamically created buttons in PyQT. I'm using… Read more Passing Arguments With Newstyle Signals In Pyqt

Polynomial Equation Parameters

I have some 2D sampling points for which I need the polynomial equation. I only found something lik… Read more Polynomial Equation Parameters

How To Add A Feature To A Vectorized Data Set?

I want to write a Naive Base text classificator. Because sklearn does not accept 'text form… Read more How To Add A Feature To A Vectorized Data Set?

Creating A Dynamic Dictionary Name

Very new to Python. I'm trying to dynamically create new dictionaries inside of a FOR LOOP with… Read more Creating A Dynamic Dictionary Name

Extract Data From User Defined Type Via Cx_oracle

I am trying to extract data from User defined type (UDT) via cx_Oracle. Here is the UDT structure: … Read more Extract Data From User Defined Type Via Cx_oracle

Is There A Python Way To Merge Multiple Cells With Condition

I needed to search multiple cells for a specific value and when it is found it should be returned i… Read more Is There A Python Way To Merge Multiple Cells With Condition

How To Restore Tensorflow V1.1.0 Saved Model In V1.13.1

I'm trying to restore the pretrained model provided here and continue training on a different d… Read more How To Restore Tensorflow V1.1.0 Saved Model In V1.13.1

Importable `multiprocessing.pool` Function

This is probably simple and I'm just not finding a suitable question. If I do a stand-alone scr… Read more Importable `multiprocessing.pool` Function

Valid Year Function In Python

Here is the web dev course, they ask to write a program for valid year, anything betwee… Read more Valid Year Function In Python

Error While Installing Mysql Using Pip (python)

i'm new boy in python, recently i am starting to understand Django, for some basic functonality… Read more Error While Installing Mysql Using Pip (python)

Python: Find A Word In A Matrix Of Characters

I am trying to create a word game that involves finding words in a matrix of 5x5 characters, like s… Read more Python: Find A Word In A Matrix Of Characters

How To Make Save / Load Game Functions In Pygame?

I need to make save / load game functions for my rpg. I can save the location of my player, but wha… Read more How To Make Save / Load Game Functions In Pygame?

Converting .py To .exe With Anaconda

I made a python program using PyGame which is only available for Python 2.7 so that is my python ve… Read more Converting .py To .exe With Anaconda

Scrapy: Csv Output Without Header

When I use the command scrapy crawl -o , I get the output of my Item dictionary with headers. This… Read more Scrapy: Csv Output Without Header

How To Identify "keys" Of A Tuple/list Of 3-item Tuples?

Given a table of revenue values thus: A key point to note (and the core of my question) is the the… Read more How To Identify "keys" Of A Tuple/list Of 3-item Tuples?

Ajax In Django Is Creating Duplicate Elements

I have a form which when submitted creates a graph using Plotly. I am trying to use Ajax to submit … Read more Ajax In Django Is Creating Duplicate Elements

Extract Data From Json From An Api With Python

The data under consideration is coming from an API, which means that it's highly inconsistent- … Read more Extract Data From Json From An Api With Python

Color Formatting Excel File Row In Python

I have dataframe where I have 2 Date columns. I have to compare them and if they are different then… Read more Color Formatting Excel File Row In Python

Callbackqueryhandler Or Conversationhandler For A Message Sent From Bot Class

Using python-telegram-bot, I have a bot running with very similar settings as for the other example… Read more Callbackqueryhandler Or Conversationhandler For A Message Sent From Bot Class

Restrict Modification Of Class Variables Except With A New Instance

This is a follow up question to the following post (checking the link is not required to understand… Read more Restrict Modification Of Class Variables Except With A New Instance

Configuring The Date Parser When Using Pandas.periodindex

I have a list of dates in this format: >>> dates = ['01/01/2000', '02/01/2000&… Read more Configuring The Date Parser When Using Pandas.periodindex

Python - Linked List - Append

I'm trying to learn Linked Lists in python I've been given Linked List class and asked to c… Read more Python - Linked List - Append

Logical Operations In Django Filter

I need to get my queryset where: (a='a' AND b=None) OR (a=None AND b='b') I know… Read more Logical Operations In Django Filter

Using Scipy Kmeans For Cluster Analysis

I want to understand scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans. Having a number of points distributed in 2D space, t… Read more Using Scipy Kmeans For Cluster Analysis

Git Diff Call In Pre-commit Throws "fatal: Unable To Read [sha1]"

I am working in windows and attempting to run a git diff command in the pre-commit script (Python) … Read more Git Diff Call In Pre-commit Throws "fatal: Unable To Read [sha1]"

Is It Possible To Print A String At A Certain Screen Position Inside Idle?

EDIT: I just discovered that it's possible to obtain a similar behaviour by using the standard … Read more Is It Possible To Print A String At A Certain Screen Position Inside Idle?

Animate Using A Pixmap Or Image Sequence In Python With Qt4

I have a small Python script that makes a transparent window for displaying a graphic on screen and… Read more Animate Using A Pixmap Or Image Sequence In Python With Qt4

Combining Django F, Value And A Dict To Annotate A Queryset

I have a scenario where I want to annotate a queryset with externally prepared data in a dict. I w… Read more Combining Django F, Value And A Dict To Annotate A Queryset

How To Delete Temp Folder Data Using Python Script

how can I create python script to delete data in temp folder in windows environment system. Soluti… Read more How To Delete Temp Folder Data Using Python Script

Pip Install Requests[security] Vs Pip Install Requests: Difference

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) with Python version 2.7.6. Today, when I created a new virtua… Read more Pip Install Requests[security] Vs Pip Install Requests: Difference

Python Native Library To Read Metadata From Videos?

Is there a Python library to read metadata (camera model, time created, etc ...) from video files? … Read more Python Native Library To Read Metadata From Videos?

Transferring File Over Tcp Using Python

I am new to python and finding it really difficult trying to understand how to send files using soc… Read more Transferring File Over Tcp Using Python

Python Regex Of A Date In Some Text

How can I find as many date patterns as possible from a text file by python? The date pattern is de… Read more Python Regex Of A Date In Some Text

Convert Time Column In Pandas From Float To Actual Time Value

PROBLEM Statement #1 (EASY) I wanted to convert the time column of my dataframe to actual time valu… Read more Convert Time Column In Pandas From Float To Actual Time Value

How Do I Create A Django Form That Displays A Checkbox Label To The Right Of The Checkbox?

When I define a Django form class similar to this: def class MyForm(forms.Form): check = forms.… Read more How Do I Create A Django Form That Displays A Checkbox Label To The Right Of The Checkbox?

Descriptor 'get_at' For 'pygame.surface' Objects Doesn't Apply To A 'tuple' Object

I'm creating a program and am attempting to draw a rectangle at the cursor's position if th… Read more Descriptor 'get_at' For 'pygame.surface' Objects Doesn't Apply To A 'tuple' Object

Bokeh Glyph Coordinates With X_axis_type 'datetime'

I am attempting to add a simple text string (glyph) to a Bokeh plot which uses x_axis_type='dat… Read more Bokeh Glyph Coordinates With X_axis_type 'datetime'

Passing Python Function As Argument Without Executing It?

I have this function: def a(one, two, the_argument_function): if one in two: return the… Read more Passing Python Function As Argument Without Executing It?

Why Does Extended Slicing Not Reverse The List?

I'm slicing lists in python and can't explain some results. Both of the following seem natu… Read more Why Does Extended Slicing Not Reverse The List?

Modulenotfounderror: No Module Named 'rosbag' With Pip

I am trying to install rosbag using pip: pip install python-rosbag But I am getting the following e… Read more Modulenotfounderror: No Module Named 'rosbag' With Pip

Remove First 4 Lines In Multiple Csv Files Python

I know how to remove lines in a CSV file, however looking at removing multiple lines in multiple CS… Read more Remove First 4 Lines In Multiple Csv Files Python