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Python Check String Contains All Characters

I'm reading in a long list of words, and I made a node for every word in the list. Each node has an attribute 'word' for their position in the list. I am trying to connect a node t

Solution 1:

The problem is that you are only comparing words that appear right next to each other in the list, i.e. words i and i+1, e.g. I and IN appear next to each other, as do WIN and WIND, but IN and WIND are far apart. It seems you want to compare all possible words, which requires a more sophisticated algorithm. Here's an idea:

  1. Make a dictionary where they keys are sorted words and the values are lists of actual words, e.g. {"ACT": ["CAT", "ACT", "TAC], ...}. A collections.defaultdict(list) will be useful for this.
  2. Sort the full input list of words by length. You can use list.sort(key=len) assuming you have just a list of words.
  3. Iterate through the list sorted by length. For each word, go through every subset of length n-1. Something like for i in range(len(word)): process(word[:i] + word[i+1:]). You may want to be careful about duplicates here.
  4. For each subset, sort the subset and look it up in the dictionary. Make a link from every word in the dictionary's value (a list of actual words) to the bigger word.

Solution 2:

Looks like a formal languages problem. How do you handle looping nodes?

IN INW is in the list you gave.

AGNRT AGNRST are not in the list, because you started out with a single letter, that letter has to be in the next word for example I -> IN, but IN is not in AGNRT or AGNRST

Solution 3:

You seem to be comparing each node with just one other node, so

"IN" directly follows "I" in your wordlist, but "INW" is not directly after "IN"

Solution 4:

You can use the 3rd party python library, python-levenshtein, to calculate the Levenshtein Distance which is the string edit distance. In your case, the only allowed 'edit' is the 'insertion' of the character on the next string/word on your list, so you will also need to verify that the length of the next word is 1 plus the previous word.

Here is the sample code that would achieve our stuff:

import Levenshtein as lvst

iflen(word2) - len(word1) == 1and lvst.distance(word1, word2) == 1:
    print(word1, word2)

You can install python-levenshtein by either apt-get (systemwide) or pip:

sudo apt-get install python-levenshtein


sudo apt-get install python3-levenshtein


pip install python-levenshtein

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