Starting Worker With Dynamic Routing_key?
I have one queue with several task types and I need to run worker for specific task. Something like: 'celery worker --routing_key task.type1 --app=app' Queue configuration: CELERY_
Solution 1:
Np, you can't bind a worker to a routing_key.
- Workers consume queues not routing_key.
- Producers send messages with a routing_key, that rabbitmq route to queues.
It's not possible with pika also.
In the tutorial the worker/consumer binds its own queue to the routing key.
- The producer emit logs with routing key = 'info'
- RabbitMQ will discard all of them until a queue is bound to this routing_key
- The receiver create a Queue A and bind it to routing_key 'info'
- Now rabbitmq routes logs with routing_key 'info' to Queue A, and the receiver consume them
You can reproduce this binding easily with celery.
In exemple you can do it in the celery configuration file:
exchange = Exchange('default', type=topic)
Queue('all_logs', exchange, routing_key='logs.#'),
Queue('info_logs', exchange, routing_key='')
receive all logs:
$ celery worker -A receive_logs -Q all_logs
receive only 'info' logs (msg with only)
$ celery worker -A receive_logs -Q info_logs
In the end you have started a worker that consume only msg with a specific routing_key, which is what you want.
note: info logs are duplicated in both Queue:all_logs and Queue:info_logs
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